An emotional day became unforgettable for Scotty McCreery on Saturday,
May 14. The 17 year old kept his cool while fans screamed, cried and
even proposed marriage during a media tour and promotional stops at
local Garner, N.C. businesses. Taste of Country was there as the love
shown by friends and family began to peel away the layers of his
usually steady demeanor. The afternoon reached a fever pitch when
McCreery’s hero Josh Turner walked out singing his hit song ‘Your Man.’
McCreery had just begun his “theme song” when Turner strutted out and
picked up the next verse. “Oh my goodness!” McCreery shouted while
waving off his band. It was the only time all afternoon he struggled to
find the perfect thing to say.
“All these people are here for you,” Turner told McCreery. “I had heard
you never sang this song with a band before and were a little bit
nervous, so I decided I would bring a few of my guys in.” The duo
picked up the song from the start, and traded verses and praise before
going into Turner’s first radio hit, ‘Long Black Train.’
The high school junior showed incredible stage presence for someone
who’s experience is limited at best. He was charismatic and funny,
worked both sides of the audience, and even remembered to wave to the
special fans in the first few rows. He hammed it up a little with Josh
Turner, but never came off cornier than one would want. Amongst the
songs he recreated for his fans was ‘Gone,’ ‘Letters From Home,’ and
‘The River,’ all tracks that were essential to his success thus far in
the competition.
Hours earlier, during the parade leading up to the concert at Lake
Benson park, fans watched as their native son buried his head in his
hands and came up with rosy cheeks and watery eyes. Organizers expected
30,000 people despite the threat of storms. Fortunately, the only thing
that got wet before McCreery finished was his sleeves, as he dabbed his
teary eyes. Expect that scene to make the cut during this Wednesday’s
episode of ‘American Idol.”